Categories: Mom and Baby

Marriage and Family Tips: Financial Involvement on Both Sides

In wedlock, there is usually one person who is responsible for managing the finances of the family: paying bills, savings accounts, budgeting, etc. Often, the other spouse even does not know very much about the financial state of their family. As long as he or she can shop as usual, there would seem to be no problem. However, this approach can backfire especially if some problems arise in the family’s finances. Blaming the problems on one party would not be fair. For better money management and family bonding, involvement of both the husband and wife is important. Here are some …

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Categories: General Article

Teach Without Preaching

Teach Without Preaching

We’ve all heard the saying — Practice what you preach.A� However, when it comes to teaching children it is best to do it without preaching.A� I’ve always said that children learn best with their eyes and I have yet to be proven wrong.A� Don’t believe me?A� Walk into a room of children and undoubtedly you will find one child merely watching and soaking it all in.A� Yes, children of all ages are like sponges.A� Many times they will simply watch and listen and then proceed to mimic what they have observed.

Our children love to hear stories, …

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Categories: Love Baby

Get Fit With Your Family and Save the Planet

There are many way to get fit, but what if I told you about one where you would be outside in the fresh air and you could take your child with you and at the same time you could be helping save the planet.
Yes there is a way to do all of this at the same time and its just perfect for stay at home mums or dads who work outside the home and don’t get to spend much time with their children. Even Grandmas and grand dads can get in on this one and get fitter at the …

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Categories: General Article

Test Your Food Prejudices!

Test Your Food Prejudices!

Do you have food prejudices?

If you think about it, we all have foods we think or feel negatively about, and would not eat at all, or only unwillingly. What is often behind such a food prejudice?

1. Childhood Food Trauma

Often, a negative reaction to a type of food may stem from unpleasant childhood experiences with those food items. For example, many people have an aversion to vegetable types such as spinach, broccoli or pumpkin, perhaps because their parents made them eat large amounts of them, or made them eat them against their will.

Additionally, …

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Categories: Mom and Baby

The Power of Barbie

It’s likely not surprising to anyone today that Barbie dolls are one of the most popular toys for young girls. Watching the tv commercials as they announce new styles of Barbie and it even appears in movies, Barbies are a worldwide phenomenon. But honestly, is anyone surprised? Barbie fits the classic mold of letting children play house, using their dolls to imitate real life.
To mimic real life, not only are there tons of Barbie dolls available, but the amount of ways to tweak your dolls is countless. From Barbie clothes to Barbie accessories, there are tons of things that …

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Categories: General Article

Childhood Obesity – How to Prevent Childhood Obesity

Childhood Obesity – How to Prevent Childhood Obesity

Childhood Obesity is a serious dilemma affecting a troubling amount of our children today. It is an epidemic that can bring both physical and emotional problems into our children’s lives. They are way too young to have to worry about weight control issues at such a young age. I hope to give you, the parent, some insight on preventing this issue from exploding any further out of control.

What Problems Can Childhood Obesity Lead to?

Possible Major Problems:

1. Diabetes

2. Asthma

3. High Blood Pressure

4. Heart Problems

Does this list …

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Categories: General Article

Exposure to Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Pesticides May Increase Likelihood of Childhood Leukemia

Exposure to Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Pesticides May Increase Likelihood of Childhood Leukemia

In a study recently published in Environmental Health Perspectives entitled Residential Exposure to Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Organochlorine Pesticides and Risk of Childhood Leukemia, scientists explain that exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides, two chemicals used commonly after World War II, may be responsible for increased numbers of childhood leukemia showing up in the population. These environmental contaminants are persistent in the environment and can bioaccumulate in the food chain, increasing their potency.


Though these chemicals, including polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners and the pesticides α- and γ-chlordane, …

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Categories: General Article

Childhood Obesity – Emotional Eating Creates Low Self Esteem

Childhood Obesity – Emotional Eating Creates Low Self Esteem

Or does Low Self Esteem cause Emotional Eating?

Susie is overweight. Susie has low self esteem.

Those two often go together. Why would Susie not have low self esteem if she feels she has no control over her body and her eating? The fact is that Susie has lots of control over her body, she just has not come up for air long enough in order to find that control. And, she is a child with far less experience in dealing with issues of this type.

When a child is overweight …

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