Categories: Family and Children

Understanding Parenting Orders in Family Law

It is no secret that divorces are ugly, especially when there are minor children involved. As a parent, your responsibility towards your child does not end simply because you did not get along with your partner. According to Australian family law, your responsibility as a parent continues till your children are of legal age, unless the court has ordered otherwise due to certain circumstances.
In most cases, the parents are able to reach an agreement. Family law in Australia also places a heavy emphasis on such agreements where both parents are involved in making arrangements for the children. Though court …

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Categories: General Article

Family Cookbooks Are Ideal For Fundraisers

Family Cookbooks Are Ideal For Fundraisers

Fundraising by selling unique personalized cookbooks had been a consistently successful process for decades. Whether it is for schools, churches, PTA, bands, charities or politics, a quality cookbook packed with recipes from real people in your community or organization will be a proven method for raising those much-needed funds.

Why Are Personalized Cookbooks So Popular?

A family cookbook that is made up of recipes from members of your group or organization is not …

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Categories: General Article

Top Considerations When Looking For a Massage Program

When choosing a massage therapy school, there are several things to consider. A few of these considerations are the program’s cost, faculty accreditation, and the requirements to become a massage therapist. This article will outline the top concerns when looking for a massage program. Continue reading and visit the massage certification course Atlanta to learn more. This article is not intended to be a comprehensive review of every program. Instead, it is meant to inform prospective students and help them make the best choice for their needs.

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Categories: Family Tips

Don’t Nag: Nurture To Develop Independence


I believe I can best explain this through an example. I recently had two families in my office, both struggling with twelve and thirteen year old children who appeared sad and withdrawn. In order to get them out of bed, parents were engaged in an hour long process of repeatedly nagging and pushing and prodding, ultimately leading to yelling and threatening the children. Often, parents were taking the children to school after they …

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Categories: General Article

Why Choose an Early Childhood Education Course?

Why Choose an Early Childhood Education Course?

Are you looking for a course where you have good skills with kids and want to earn good money in the future? One course that I had been dreaming of being able to study to fit my skills is the early childhood education course. I just had this idea a few days ago after realizing that motherhood is not that easy. When you see your child growing up and he is growing …

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Categories: General Article

Formula For Fit and Well-Behaved Children

Formula For Fit and Well-Behaved Children

You’ve probably heard the saying popularized by Stephan Covey that when you are climbing a ladder it’s important to know that it is leaning against the right wall. The “right wall” for our children includes physical health, well-being and values that will guide them to make good choices and decisions. Athletics has long been looked up to as a character-building experience.  Many people will sacrifice time and money to give their children the …

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Categories: General Article

The Joy of Trampolines

The Joy of Trampolines

Remember when you were a kid, and you’d have friends over, or in my case I’d go to my friend’s house, just for the sheer entertainment of jumping on the trampoline? If not, I recommend you stop reading right now, for you might burst into tears over one of the best childhood experiences you never had (sorry to be so harsh). Anyways, back to the trampoline. There were so many fun things that you could, …

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Categories: General Article

Tips on Writing a Good Biography

Tips on Writing a Good Biography

It is understandable that you may be bored with an assignment which asks you to write a biography. Biographies, done properly are quite entertaining, and can get you a good mark. Just follow this outline, and you’ll be able to draft a biography that is interesting.

Realize what’s necessary for inclusion. A biography has an expected outline. Generally, they include chronologically ordered pieces of data about a person’s life and career.  It is …

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Categories: General Article

Some Tips on Making Sure Your Kids Do Not Become Part of Childhood Obesity Statistics?

Some Tips on Making Sure Your Kids Do Not Become Part of Childhood Obesity Statistics?

Childhood obesity statistics are growing at such a rapid rate that some experts predict that by 2020 50% of adults in America will be obese, and the rest of the world will not be far behind. Here are some simple but effective steps to make sure your children do not become part of the obesity statistics.

Get them away from entertainment that involves no movement at all. Examples are watching TV for extended periods of time, playing computer games or spending time in front of …

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Categories: General Article

How to Get Essential Fats, Like Omega-3’s, Into Your Child’s Everyday Diet

How to Get Essential Fats, Like Omega-3’s, Into Your Child’s Everyday Diet

Surely you’ve heard the buzz about Omega-3 essential fatty acids. Turns out most American’s aren’t getting enough of them. So what exactly is Omega-3, and why do our kids need it? Well, Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid that works in the body to balance Omega-6 essential fatty acids. Here’s why: Omega-6 causes an inflammatory response in the body, and Omega-3 causes an anti-inflammatory response. So, as you can see, these two work well together. The problem is, we’re getting up to 25 times more Omega-6 than Omega-3! …

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Categories: General Article

Treating Childhood Anxiety Disorder – What Parents Should Know

Treating Childhood Anxiety Disorder – What Parents Should Know

It is normal for children to have fears and worries. They may feel anxious in front of strangers, unfamiliar situations and when they are separated from their parents. Everyday situations and stresses can cause anxiety in children but these are just short-lived anxieties. If your child has extreme unrealistic fear that prevents him or her from functioning normally on everyday life, the anxiety is already a disorder. Treating childhood anxiety disorder is important to help your child live a happy and normal life.

Anxiety problem is the most common mental disorder …

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Categories: Mom and Baby

Should I Change My Faith in Order to Marry My Love?

This subject is often regarded as a controversial and emotive one, and I feel that each case is very different. Relationships are a process of two individuals caring enough to find a common ground for it to work and develop. Faith can be an important part of uniting the relationship and enhancing the connection, but it takes time and interest.
In truth when we first meet someone and there is a strong interest and chemistry that attraction is based on everything about that person. Okay, looks and appearance factor in. But the person’s energy, aura, persona are also an important …

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Categories: Happy Family

Creating Healthy Food Habits to Build a Healthy, Happy Family

Small children go through the age where they explore their world through their senses. Build a healthy family through proper nutrition which improves the functioning of these senses, but these senses also need constant stimulation to develop to their full potential.
Food are also used as an education tool, as all children have an inherent need to tough and play with things, which is a great way to improve their hand-eye coordination. Of course this does mean a certain amount of mess but your home has probably already been turned upside down any number of times with small children. You …

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Categories: General Article

What You Can Do If Your Child is Being Bullied

What You Can Do If Your Child is Being Bullied

For many parents knowing that their child is being bullied at school can be very distressing and disturbing. Most parents knowing their child is being bullied will experience anger, confusion and even guilt. Bullying is an insidious behaviour the makes a child feel less secure and safe. It can have a great impact on their learning, emotional well being, peer relations and sense of self.

Bullying today, takes on many forms and guises, including physical and emotional abuse, intimidation, harassment and exclusion. Bullying has now also entered the cyber dimension, …

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Categories: Financial Family

Parent/teacher Conference Success

My son?s first ?real? parent conference is scheduled for today. Why am I so nervous? Certainly, as a teacher, I?ve conducted hundreds of parent conferences over the years ? conference time, for us was a nice short day, where either you could get your extra work done, or chat with the teacher next door. Now, I?m on the other side of the desk and I?m working to prepare myself for the 15 min face to face. Yes, I?m one of THOSE moms. Couldn?t you tell?

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Categories: General Article

Recovery From Childhood Sexual Abuse Complicated by Violence

Recovery From Childhood Sexual Abuse Complicated by Violence

Although every incident of sexual abuse of a child is uniquely personal, there are many commonalities. Some incidents are “simple” molestation in which someone touches the child sexually or has him or her touch the abuser. No matter how “simple” the molestation, the results are a complexity of what are usually life-long issues. The most devastating effects of sexual abuse are when violence is involved.

Violence-free sexual abuse

When discussing sexual abuse without violence, understand that all sexual abuse has a violent effect upon the victim. They usually describe the effect of …

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Categories: Mom and Baby Yoga

Save Your Marriage Alone – Make Up For Your Mistakes

Are you in the peak of divorce right now? Your world is starting to fall apart. You don’t have time for your wife and kids. There are new projects coming and you have to stay late at night in your office just to finish your work. You are thinking that after the project that you have made you would be able to bring your family into a grand vacation. What you didn’t know is that Right now you might have realize that money would not save marriage alone, that having a bog house and expensive car will not make your …

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Categories: General Article

Food Habits – A Hidden Cause of Addiction

Food Habits – A Hidden Cause of Addiction

Can what you eat contribute to addiction later in life? According to more and more health authorities – YES! Habitual use of cola drinks and sugary foods beginning in childhood may set the stage for addiction to other drugs later on in life.

What is a drug? Any substance that causes a temporary ‘high’ or feeling of well-being, followed by a ‘low’, will tend to be addictive. As the effect wears off, another dose is needed to regain the temporary high. Often, the addictive substance is one that weakens the body. When …

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Categories: General Article

Boomer Humor – Our Memories Give Us So Much to Laugh About

Boomer Humor – Our Memories Give Us So Much to Laugh About

I can remember so many funny things to laugh about when I look back over my life. It helps, of course, that I had so many good friends in grammar school and high school to laugh with. We shared our collective stupidity.

We probably did as many goofy things as you did, maybe more. My friends and I were not really trouble makers but we did have a good time and now we have good memories of a lot of laughs. Years together will do that.

I really …

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Categories: General Article

Identifying Childhood Anxiety Symptoms

Identifying Childhood Anxiety Symptoms

It is unfortunate, but children can suffer from anxiety as well as adults. For many parents, the symptoms of anxiety in their child may be frightening and even confusing. The symptoms that present in children are often much different than those found in adults.

A term that most parents will need to become familiar with is GAD, also known as Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Children who suffer from this disorder will often feel anxious or worried over various issues. These issues may include performance at school, relationships that they have with other children as well as other …

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Categories: General Article

Discreet Affair

Discreet Affair

Do you know that the major element arousing intense excitement is the knowledge that any contact would violate some moral precept or personal pledge. What makes this kind of sex so hot is that it is, at the very least, a little naughty and, at its best, downright “bad”. If you struggle with yourself to resist the temptation, the inner turmoil can take on the properties of an aphrodisiac. Nothing creates a more ferocious need than fighting your desire until sheer lust eventually overwhelms your will to resist.

Violating a taboo is an important part of the appeal …

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Categories: General Article

Child Nutrition Bill Summary

Child Nutrition Bill Summary

Childhood obesity has more than tripled over the last 30 years. The prevalence of obesity among children who are 6 to 11 years old has gone up from 6.5 percent to nearly 20 percent in that time span.

While political views may differ, there is one indisputable fact: we are getting heavier, and this includes our children. One of the ways that we can combat childhood obesity is by improving the foods in school lunches. So finally, after much political fighting, the Senate passed The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Here is a breakdown of …

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Categories: Family Relationships

Simple Tips for a Healthy Family

We always hear on the news how prevalent childhood obesity is in the United States. The good thing is that we can easily inculcate a healthy lifestyle in ourselves and with our families without fancy exercise equipment or costly gym memberships.
Following are some suggestions that are ready to use right now:
1). Walk As Much As You Can:
You already know it’s better to go short distances by foot rather than by car. Think about your typical day, it’s easy to find times when you could skip your car and just walk or bike. Going to the gym? Maybe …

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