Categories: General Article

To Understand Or to Memorize?

To Understand Or to Memorize?

To reduce the need of memorizing a bunch of seemingly arbitrary facts, you should understand how something can work. Memory is a fundamental tool for human learning. It is encouraged for children to develop their skills to memorize even during their toddler years. However, true learning is not only memorized and expresses their ideas with memorization; they should demonstrate the ability to refine their ideas through communication with others.

If you memorize something, you are bound to forget, but if you truly understand something, you will take it to the grave and remember forever. Understanding …

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Categories: General Article

3 Ways to Combat Against Childhood Obesity

3 Ways to Combat Against Childhood Obesity

When I think back to my childhood, I realize that the lack of technology allowed me to grow up at a healthy weight. The school didn’t have any computers until my senior year, and even then all it could do is play blackjack. If we were lucky, we had three channels, and we grew most of what we ate.

That meant that we got a lot more exercise (though we called it “play”), ate a lot of vegetables and didn’t spend a lot of time staring at a screen. If you look at …

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Categories: General Article

EMDR – Breaking the Cycle of Abuse – Treating Adult Victims of Childhood Abuse

EMDR – Breaking the Cycle of Abuse – Treating Adult Victims of Childhood Abuse

As children, we are innocent. We have no power and are therefore, unable to protect ourselves. We look to our caregivers to nurture, care for, guide and teach us about the world. Unfortunately, due to their own issues and problems, many parents and caregivers are adequate custodians but they are not always able to provide all the best parenting. Then there are those parents who are abusive to their children or are unable to protect their children from abuse.

In any case, most of us come …

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Categories: Financial Family

How to Know If Your Kid is Really Smart

This is a question very common to parents, grandparents and even to aunt’s and uncle’s. So how would you really know if your kid or grandson/granddaughter or nice/nephew is really smart?

Determining if the child is smart is quite hard in the first one year and below since he/she can’t talk that well or express himself strongly, but as he/she grows you would know if he is really smart by observing the following signs…

Starts to reason out every …

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Categories: Good Relationship

Spend Time Together and Build a Healthy Happy Family

The essence of a healthy happy family is in how they treat each other. This means that for them to spend time together as a family does not need to be expensive or a catastrophic event of any proportions at all. It is in the simple activities, these which we often take for granted, that we can connect with one another again. Try these timeless activities to rediscover your family and build a healthy happy family.
Build a healthy family by eating together. Families that eat together, stay together. By sharing a meal you create a time to relax, interact …

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Categories: General Article

Obesity: A Real Health Concern That We Need To Consider

Obesity: A Real Health Concern That We Need To Consider

How many times have you heard somebody say complacently, “you know that I cannot help being fat, because it is in the genes!” as he tucks in a huge platter full of french fries and fried chicken, washed down with beer. Well, obesity is definitely a real health concern that we need to consider right now. Obesity is an epidemic which can be controlled. Some people are under the impression that just because their parents were fat and they are fat, they are going to gain more weight even if …

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Categories: Close Family

Be Guided By The 3 Most Effective Parenting Tips

A lot people still believe that there are such things as perfect parents ? a soft-spoken, gentle, loving mother and a hardworking, firmly disciplined father who raise trouble-free, happy children. However, the truth of the matter is that there is no such thing as perfect parents because there are also no such thing as perfect children.

Becoming a parent may be a couple?s ultimate dream. Their hearts may be filled with gladness and joy; however parenting is not all …

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Categories: General Article

There Will Be A Mess, One Way Or The Other!

There Will Be A Mess, One Way Or The Other!

Covered in sand the children ran to greet their guests as they heard the scrunch of tyres in their driveway.

As the mother stepped from the car she was horrified,

“How on earth do you stand the mess! We could never have a sandpit. I loathe the stuff and Tony would never cope with it in the house.”

Her children stood, gazing with longing eyes at the sand and were too overwhelmed to utter a word.

The hostess invited them inside where she had set up a table for the …

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