Categories: Mom and Baby Yoga

How To Create An Enlightened Generation From Home Using The Law Of Attraction?

The world is always trying to modify the character and attitudes of adults – what a backward way of changing the world. Lets take a different approach and start to target our children with the law of attraction. At a young age children have no preconceived ideas, they have not become cynical through their life experiences – they are a blank canvas waiting for us to splash wonderful colours upon. It is our duty to introduce the law of attraction to them and there is no better place to start than in our homes.

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Categories: Love Mommy

De-clutter Your Life Inside and Out and Create a Happier Life

Reflect on your families’ present state. In many cases you know that  you need to change the way you are managing your family. You can’t always put your finger on what is making you frustrated, unsettled or down. Your own desires can be muddied by concern for your children or spouse and by simply being out of touch with your feelings.

I find that the best way to do this is to write down my thoughts, concerns and desires. 

I know that this is not easy …

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Categories: Family and Children

How To Create And Sustain Bonding In a Family Relationship

The family is the basic unit of society. No nation, they say, can be greater than the quality of its families. Family life, which had hitherto been revered, is facing a ferocious corrosive attack from various elements in the evolutionary process of man. Religious people believe it is the handiwork of the devil that the family is under attack these days.
We know that divorce rate is rising rapidly worldwide. In addition, delinquency among children is becoming the norm rather than the exception. There are no easy answers available. The inspiration and call for family activities that would grow bonding …

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