Preparing to Meet Your Partner’s Family – Tips For Making a Good First Impression

Meeting the family of someone you love and hope to have a long future with can be nerve wracking, to say the least. You know that you really click with your partner’s personality, but will the rest of his family be just like him or totally different? You have heard all about the family members you will meet (good and bad), but exactly what has your partner told them about you?
These are just some of the questions that run through your mind, increasing the insecurities and nervousness by the moment. Following are just a couple tips that should help you shake those nervous jitters and put your best face forward to meet your loved ones family.
Talk to Your Partner
Many people are too scared to bring up questions about meeting the family to their partner. They aren’t sure if it’s proper to ask questions or they simply don’t want their partner to know how nervous they are. Yet, there are some questions that you should bring up to your partner before going to meet their family. After all, who is going to know his or her family any better than they do themselves?
For instance, don’t hesitate to ask upfront if you should bring a gift and what type of gift might impress their family members. Some families are more casual and laid back and wouldn’t ever expect or anticipate a gift while others are more formal and may be expecting you to bring something when you visit their home.
Don’t assume that the personality of your partner will be the personality of the family. Always ask!
Getting Personal
How much should you reveal about yourself when first meeting the family? This is a big question that many people wonder about and which can increase your anxiety tenfold.
You do want to treat your partner’s parents as if they were any other adults that you may meet for the first time. This means you should be respectful and appreciative and watch your language. In the best of all worlds, respect and appreciation will continue on for the rest of your relationship.
That said, you also want to get to know the family on a more intimate level if they seem to be open to that. If they are asking you a lot of personal questions, ask some in return about them. Give and take as much as they are willing, or back off if you sense some uneasiness about the direction of a conversation.
Being Yourself
It’s one thing to try to make a great impression, but another thing entirely to come off as someone you are not. Don’t put up an illusion that you are someone that you are not because eventually the real you is going to come shining out. Plus, your partner will be there and they love the real you!
The family will pick up on it if you are pretending or being phoney, so just try to relax and be yourself. If you are shy at first, that’s fine. Just try to open up some and get past the nervousness so you can be yourself.
Meeting the family is a big step and a sign that your partner cares for you in a more serious manner. That alone will speak on your behalf to the family, so relax!

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