How To Keep Your Man Happy

Sounds like a 1950’s how to booklet on relationships, right? Well it’s not, but back then they had things right. Our grandparents learned long ago how to keep a marriage long and happy. They had the right priorities; families come first.
In today’s society, we have a me mentality or a what can I do for me, or more specifically, what can you do for me? And sometimes we don’t care who we screw over to get what we want. Even our spouses.
Not only are we more concerned about ourselves, we are also impatient to find out what comes next. I like to call this the hurry-up disorder and the I’ll-be-happy-when disorder. We are never happy with what we have or else it isn’t good enough. Our houses aren’t big enough, our cars aren’t new enough, and we’re not moving up the corporate ladder fast enough. I don’t know who we’re competing with.
I will be the first to say that we work hard for what we have and we deserve to pamper ourselves from time to time. It’s only money, we only live once, we can’t take it with us, and any other cliche we can come up with to make us feel better. But when it really comes down to it, it is just stuff. And what’s more important, the stuff or our families? Our families of course.
But more specifically, our husbands. Once the stuff is gone, once the children are grown, what will we have left? Hopefully our husbands. Your marriage should be the most important thing in your life. It should trump all the other things, but sadly most of us do not value our husbands.
What I’m about to suggest may seem like I lost my mind and set women’s rights back 50 plus years, I’m not. This really works. What I want you to do is to put your husband before all else, including the children. I know it’s a radical thought, but trust me when I say, you will be pleasantly surprised by the results.
Your husband should be king of his castle. He should be greeted with a smile and a kiss when he walks in the door in the evenings. Admit it, how many times have you passed a screaming baby off to your husband as he walked in the door. Or met him complaining that the washing machine broke and has flooded the basement? Ok, that one might be a little important, but it should not be the first thing he has to hear. How do you think that makes your husband feel to be greeted with chaos and bad news? My guess is he probably doesn’t want to come home.
Our homes should be a welcoming place of relaxation. It should be a place where our husbands want to be in instead of the local corner bar. Maybe even staying late at work instead of coming home to more complaints, screaming kids, and a messy house. If you don’t want to be in that environment, what makes you think he does?
Your goal is to tidy the house, cook a nice dinner, make the kids play quietly in their room until dinner is ready (bribe them if you have to), freshen up yourself a bit, and put on a smile for your hubby as he walks through the door. Home from a long hard day.
A happy home makes for a happy family and a good marriage is the foundation for it all.

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