How To Create And Sustain Bonding In a Family Relationship

The family is the basic unit of society. No nation, they say, can be greater than the quality of its families. Family life, which had hitherto been revered, is facing a ferocious corrosive attack from various elements in the evolutionary process of man. Religious people believe it is the handiwork of the devil that the family is under attack these days.
We know that divorce rate is rising rapidly worldwide. In addition, delinquency among children is becoming the norm rather than the exception. There are no easy answers available. The inspiration and call for family activities that would grow bonding in the family is one way to assist in this effort.
Most people, when they look into the eyes of their spouse on their deathbed, realize that it is their marriage, the primary relationship in their life, which is eternally meaningful. Too many people realize in those parting moments that they should have done things differently. Intrinsically, we all know what is really important. However, we forget and get distracted.
The following activities were collected from a survey and have been found to be helpful:
• Taking Long Walks In The Evening Together: This is a crazily busy world. Some couples are all out there working to make a living. They have to rush out early in the morning and return home in the evening. A couple has reported that they have found taking a long walk in the evening around their neighborhood, holding hands, talking, sharing thoughts and plans about the future has helped them bond, sweeten their relationship and grow their friendship.
• Family Physical Fitness Activity: A couple credits coming together in the evenings to exercise and do other physical fitness activities as having been healing and supportive of growing their relationship. Physical fitness together as family or with spouse creates opportunities for communication, which has in turn enhanced bonding and improved emotional attachment. A couple has credited it with power to arouse sexual attraction as well as providing opportunity for the children to pay attention to what their parents are saying. Exercising as a family is a great way to stay in shape and spend time with the kids.
• Family Prayer: A family that prays together stays together. Several couples contributed this point. They have found out that doing everything they can to have the whole family coming together morning and night for family prayers and sometimes scripture study has helped them to see things the same light. This, they note, has helped in building up their connectedness.
• Family Home Evening: This is an evening in a week set aside for the family to come together to learn and to play. Family Home Evening is a program of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints which members believe is revealed to modern day prophets to support families in these trying times. The latter-day saints hold their program every Monday evening. The program of activities in a typical evening include singing, dancing, studying the scriptures, sports, cooking, a special meal together. Activities can be indoor or outdoor or both. A tradition of family home evening has greatly enhanced family ties and made our hearts desire the things of eternal life while finding great joy in spite of the challenges of family life.
• Eating Together: In a fast-paced world, this tradition is also fast fading away. However, several couples reported a growing attachment with each other as they assemble at meal tables at least once a day to share their meal. Family members are enjoying it so much that each time one member is not around, he or she is greatly missed.
• Doing Chores Together: Chores are chores. Nobody really likes them. Nevertheless, chores are chores and need to be taken care of. Couples have reported that coming together and taking care of family chores as washing dishes, cooking meals, cleaning up the rooms and compound has created fondness among them. In African societies where chores are seen as a woman’s beat, a number of wives report feeling so tender each time their husbands assist with chores that they are aroused sexually and have ended up obtaining mind blowing sexual intimacy afterwards. Men, if you have been missing getting your wife where you want her, why not try joining her next time out.
• Always Telling Your Family The Truth: A female contributor suggested that telling your family the truth even when it hurts is very helpful to building up bonding in the family. No matter how it hurts at the time, it is usually appreciated afterwards. It creates trust, which is supportive of family unity.
• Keeping The Commandments of God: Parents learning and keeping the commandments of God have been found to keep the family united. The children learn in the process and come to trust God and their parents. The family is God organized institution. This therefore stands to reason.
• Kiss and Hug Every Member Before Leaving Home And….: A man recommended that we hug and kiss every family member before leaving home regardless of how much in a hurry we are to catch up with job. He further recommended calling home or your spouse in the middle of the day just to ask how they or she is doing. He found this very exciting seeing how much it makes his wife and children happy.

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