Categories: Balance Work and Family Tips

Finding The Right Breakfast For Your Family

From the “breakfast of champions” (a popular cold cereal in America) to KimChee (a fermented cabbage made in Korea), breakfasts around the world can feature a wide variety of food items. Taking into consideration what is grown in a country and its availability to the folks, compare the simple breakfast of boiled eggs, olives, cheeses and fava beans in the Middle East to an American full morning meal of bacon or sausage, fried eggs, hashed brown potatoes, toast or biscuits with butter, jam or jelly and coffee or tea.
These are a couple of ways to ‘break’ your ‘fast’ after …

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Categories: Balance Work and Family Tips

Finding Your Niche in Life – How to Be a Better You

The concept of finding our niche in life is not a new one. As a child we start to think about what we want to be when we grow up. Some of us actually grow up and become what we dreamed about. This group is the lucky one. Unfortunately, too many people go through life with their activities governed not by their abilities, but by their circumstances. They take the first job offered and that becomes their career. If it turns out to be the wrong decision, it becomes an albatross hanging around their neck and weighs them down emotionally …

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