How To Have A Healthy, Happy Pregnancy

Getting ready for a new pregnancy is a scary, but wonderful time in your life. There seem to be so many things to do, so much to learn, so many appointments to remember. We keep doing it though for the awesome payoff at the end. Here’s some tips to make your pregnancy as easy as can be.

If you smoke, being pregnant is the greatest reason you will ever have to stop smoking so find a way to do it now! As stressful as being pregnant may be, jeopardizing the health of your baby is a million times more stressful. This is a great opportunity to get medical help to quit and have the strongest motivating factor to keep you smoke-free.

Try taking your prenatal vitamins at night. These pills, while essential for the proper growth and development of your baby, can make some mothers feel nauseous. Taking them before you lay down or with food can help your body adjust to their effects. If you need to take them during the day, try chewing gum afterwards.

Consult your physician, prior to planning travel during your pregnant months. When you do travel, bring your prenatal records along, just in case something happens.

Before you are pregnant, it is a good idea to visit your dentist. Many times during pregnancy, your gums can be very sensitive, and a dental cleaning can be bothersome. You also will not be able to get any x-rays during your pregnancy, so it’s best to get that out of the way before hand.

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Add 300-500 calories a day to your diet while you are pregnant. Don’t forget you are eating for two so you definitely need to increase your caloric intake. Make sure however that you are adding healthy calories into your diet. Adding 500 calories of junk food isn’t going to do anything to help you and the baby.

Take a childbirth class. Classes are offered in many doctors’ offices and online. Topics covered include nutrition, exercise, relaxation, epidural anesthesia, pain relief in labor, preparing for labor and childbirth, as well as breastfeeding and baby care. Classes are generally offered once a week over a six to eight week period. Studies show that couples that attend regular childbirth classes are prepared and relaxed during childbirth.


It is important to learn how to take care of a newborn. Baby-sitting other people’s toddlers and newborns is a great way to learn this experience. Caring for other people’s newborns not only helps make some money on the side, but also gives you the life skills you need to take care of your own child.

Mom And Baby

Exercising in pregnancy is good for mom and baby. The benefits include decreased risk for gestational diabetes, less complaints of constipation and back pain and a quicker recovery from birth for mom. Stop exercising and see your doctor if you have signs, such as shortness of breath, dizziness, fluid leaking, uterine contractions or vaginal bleeding.

You can combine these tips with 20 different books and still not be ready for everything that is to come. The important thing is to keep on learning and keep yourself healthy and happy. Soon you will have a beautiful new baby in your life, and all this work will have been worth it.

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