How Important Is Mom?

This morning one of my best friends was doing a fundraiser at our kids’ school which means she spent the whole weekend getting ready and got up this morning really early so everything would be set by the time the kids start arriving to school. She didn’t want her kids to wake up so early so she decided to leave them home with the hubby so he would bring them at a later time. Well that’s how she realized how much she is needed at home.
Even though she left their clothes ready, they wore something else; the little girl naturally had to brush her hair by herself and hey I’m talking about one of the nicest and greatest dads you can ever meet (if you haven’t met my husband first, of course…)
But the point is how ready our spouses are to do everything by themselves when or if we are not there? Especially if there are kids involved. Well mine says that won’t happen, he prefers to be the first one to go; before me he means, because he will never be ready to embark on the ‘do it all mommy adventure’. And I believe it! Yeah, Moms rule!
Moms multitask more at home or outside than Dads. Think about all the things you can accomplish in any given day; our jobs, groceries, dry cleaners, full time drivers to school, kids’ Dr. appointments, extracurricular activities, help them with homework, projects, don’t forget ‘Mommy I need this and that’ and at the same time take care of dinner, laundry, just to mention a few, I bet you can say more than that. Therefore, have you ever tried to swap each other’s daily routine for one day? From the outside it looks like men work extensively and harder than women but when they have to ‘walk in our shoes’… Oh No, no can’t do. As I always say of course there is an exception to every rule but if there is, it will probably be a very rare one.
After all said and done, I guess we are born to be strong, patient, creative, caring, energetic and any other positive adjective you could think of… but at the same time we can’t stop appreciating how good, helpful and supportive our other halves can be.
Thank you to all the great dads, wonderful moms and lovely kids out there that constitutes the perfect happy family!

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