Happiness – Is That Want You Really Want?

It seems we human beings are more motivated to move away from pain than we are motivated to move towards pleasure. How often do you experience the kind of happiness that you seek. What level of happiness is it? What does that feel like? Can you describe this type of happiness in detail? When you do feel this happy, where are you, and who are you with when you feel this way?
If you can begin to answer these types of open questions that provoke your thinking, then you can begin to be able to clearly visualise what type of happiness it is. It makes the goal clear for you. You begin to know exactly what you want to experience. So, you goal could be to have more of that type of happiness on a regular basis. Right now, you may achieve that type of happiness that you want, weekly. Why not every hour!
The way to start to do that is first accept where you are now. Accept the situation you are in now and the people you mix with daily, and be grateful for that. From this place, you can start to get more enthusiastic about the new level of happiness that you are about to experience more often. Do you have to do something specifically to feel more happy? It is my observation that you do not. In fact, the more you try, the further it can run away from you. Sit down, relax and let it come to you, and it will. When you let all the distractions flow away from you, it leaves plenty of space for the real happiness to flow into your life, to flow through you. It is my experience that this is the type of happiness the purest and is best for me.
It is important that you can take something away after reading this article. Otherwise, what’s the point. Let’s have a quick summary on what you can do now. Firstly, acceptance of what you have right now. Acceptance helps bring you into the present moment. Helps make you focus upon yourself. The type of acceptance that I mean is of where you are, the people in your daily life right now, and your ability to focus on what you can have.
Secondly, find a quiet place for 20 minutes. Try and get to a relaxed state of mind and body. You can do this by slowing your breathing and focusing upon that. Finally, visualise yourself being happy. Recall a time when you felt the type of happiness that you want to experience more often. You do this when you visualise yourself being happy, and just focus upon those feelings that you feel. Give it time and try this exercise each day as you will get better at it.

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