Advice To Help You Become A Better Parent

Mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, cousins and best friends has an idea about how you should be a parent. While advice from other parents can be useful, it’s a lot easier to digest when you’re not being commanded to act! Read below for some advice from parents who’ve been there, but are not telling you what to do.

Make some space on your kitchen counter, set your child on a towel and run water over his hair and scalp. Most toddlers find this method less stressful than having their head placed under water.

It is very important that you teach you teach your kids what to do in the event of a fire. This way, if a fire were to occur, they are prepared and they know which way is the easiest for them to exit the home safely, even if they cannot find you.

TVs falling on children happens more than you would like to imagine it does. In the age of big screen TV’s, it is more important than ever to secure your television sets. The best place for a television is mounted to the wall, but if this is not an option, bolt it down to the entertainment center. Making sure your home is safe for your little ones is an essential part of parenting.

A great rainy-day project to do with your little ones, is making macaroni masterpieces. Take pieces of construction paper, elbow macaroni, child-safe glue, and crayons and lay them out on the table. Let your little one color the pieces of construction paper, and then help him glue the macaroni to his drawing. He will be proud to see his own macaroni masterpieces hung from the refrigerator for all to see.

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Close Family

As a parent one should make sure to set time aside specifically for the family. This is important for maintaining a happy and close family, because with our busy lives it is easy to let other outside activities such as sports and work get in the way.

Good Relationship

As unfortunate an event it may be, divorces happen all of the time. In order for you, a divorced parent, to hold a good relationship with your college aged and older children you must never get them in the middle of your divorce. This will push them away for you and your ex-spouse.

Mom And Baby

Look into slings and baby carriers designed for twins. They do exist, and they are fabulous. There is a learning curve for getting two babies into a carrier, but the benefits to mom and baby are enormous. Wearing your babies will allow you to get things done with your hands free, and the twins get the emotional connection and intellectual stimulation from being right with you.

You should take the advice above and merge it all into a parenting encyclopedia in your mind. It’s great to look at situations others have dealt with to see what you can learn from them. It will make you a much better parent just for caring enough to want to learn!