8 Guilty Pleasures For Mothers

Now, listen up dads, this article is for you as much as for mums. You see, Mums will need you to step in for her to indulge in these guilty pleasures. I’m here for the mums, so if you’re a harassed dad, I apologise but know that we mums do sympathise with you.

Now, enough for my disclaimer.

As mums, I feel that there’s many pressure put upon me that sometimes I feel I don’t know myself anymore. I’m a driver to ferry my children around from one activity to another. I’m a cook, I’m a nurse, a live-in cleaner, a teacher and of course a wife to support my husband and keep him company. And looking at celebrity mum, I must also look stunning every day. With that, I fail miserably.

If you’re like me and other mums in the world, you probably feel guilty if for just one minute, you indulge yourself. But a number of research found that it’s important for a mother to find time for herself because happy mothers have happy children and happy family.

Before my words get twisted, I don’t suggest that mothers should over indulge themselves, go to the bar every night or shop until they drop and there’s no more money left for the family. That’s over indulgence and just pure irresponsible.

So, here are the 8 guilty pleasures that you can indulge to help you find yourself and without breaking your bank balance.

Lie in bed on Saturday morning until 10:00 AM. Yes, once a week, indulge in this great pleasure of not getting up in the morning to rush and get the kids’ breakfast ready. Allow your husband to do the work, it will give him time to bond with the kids while you get a much needed rest.

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Curl up in the sofa with a good book. If you’re feeling totally harassed and fed up, get your husband to look after the kids, find a quite room and curl up with a very good book you’ve been wanting to read.

Have a warm relaxing bath before going to bed. This is very easy to do. Let the husband do a bit of tidying up in the kitchen while you have a good soak in the bath to relieve all your tension.

Get a cleaner. Yes, once a week or every fortnight get someone to do the cleaning for you. Even if this means you have to sacrifice other luxuries, this is one luxury that is worth having.

If your child is not yet at school, send your child to day care at least one day a week even if you are not working. This is one of the best guilt trippers especially for stay at home mums. However, studies also reveal that children who go to day care are often more confident than children who stay at home.

Have your hair done every month even if you think you don’t need it. This is to remind you that you are still a beautiful woman. If you can’t really afford it, why not have a spa day at home. (More on this topic later.)

Get a baby sitter and go out with your husband once a month. This will keep the romance alive between you and your husband. Remember, you are not just parents but you are a couple too.

Get your husband to give you a massage once a week. Not only will this relax you but it will also help bring you closer together.

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Now, enjoy!