How To Keep Your Wits When Traveling With Kids

Flying with children of any age can be a daunting necessity whether you are a seasoned traveler or you are flying for the first time. By reviewing some basic travel tips and strategies, you will navigate air travel with infants, toddlers or children with ease and arrive at your destination with your sanity in tact. It’s all about having the right supplies when traveling with kids.

We’ve polled seasoned flyers who have ‘been there-done that’ when it comes to flying with kids and have compiled a series of tips that help you preparing for your flight, getting through the airport , and to your destination as efficient as possible. Read on.

Advice to parents flying with children

Be calm. Travel with kids is typically much more stressful for parents than it is for the children! So, the bottom line here is to keep your wits about you. Your kid(s) may scream on the airplane or kick the seat in front of them. People might stare – especially those without children or business people trying to work. Keep in mind that you paid your fare and the last time we checked the airlines did not make any rules that prohibit children on planes.

Politely ignore these people and breathe. It is always nice when you are surrounded by other parents with or without their children. They understand what you are going through and sometimes are willing to lend a hand. Don’t be afraid to ask! If you have quiet moments (if you can get your children to sleep), use this time to read a few pages of your favorite magazine or watch a movie. Relax, you will get through it in flying colors.

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Be safe. There is nothing more important. The key to safety during air travel with kids is proper restraints during takeoff, landings, and during turbulence. Be sure to follow the instructions of the flight crew and adhere to the seat belt signs at all times. Take time to read the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) brochure on child safety while flying. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) brochure on child safety while flying.

Be prepared. The most important bag you will pack when flying with infants, toddlers or kids is your carry-on. You definitely want to have the right supplies when traveling with kids. Be sure to read the section tips for packing your carry-on when traveling with children. It will make flying with kids a much more pleasant experience.

What to know before purchasing a ticket when flying with children

Packing a carry-on bag for kids

What should I wear onboard and how should I dress my children for flying?

Tips for getting through airport security with children

Tips for entertaining children while flying

Tips for managing long layovers or extended flight delays when flying with children

Tips for flying with infants

Tips for flying with Toddlers