Categories: Family Happiness

Keeping A Happy Home With Family

Every living thing in this world has a family. No one is intended to live alone in this planet. Though some circumstances of losing a family cannot be avoided, other human beings that you might encounter in the future can be your new family. Life is very busy nowadays since crisis is present all over the world. Everybody needs to work hard and focus in earning money in order to survive. As a mother, there are lots of things that you are responsible of inside the house aside from the job you have outside such as doing the household chores, …

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Categories: Close Family

Get Saving and Build a Healthy Happy Family

Start saving.
There are three steps to saving.
Firstly you need to save your money. Decide on how much you want to save to be able to pull yourself through difficult times for example disasters, accidents, deaths etc. Then instead of falling into the trap of buying something you think you need now on credit, rather wait, save and buy it later on cash. Anything that you buy on credit ends up costing you much more than the original price was.
Secondly draw up a budget, it helps you see your expenses against your income and helps you not to …

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Categories: Close Family

Giving Up Self-Defeating Legacies

No pain, no gain! Those words were drummed into me by my father so many times, I long ago stopped counting up the reasons why he said what he said. Despite the untruth of them, after a while, they started to sink in. Do anything long enough, and it will become your habit, even the phrases you think with, and that influence the way you feel about your life. For the first forty years of my life, his words determined how I felt, what I did, and how I reacted to circumstances, but not in the way he would have …

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Categories: Family and Children

Celebrating Father’s Day – Lessons From Dad Are Important!

I love that we celebrate fathers passed and present. I lost my dad more than 20 years ago yet I think of him and cherish with gratitude the life lessons he taught me. Some lessons I learned long after he passed. Why? Because I wasn’t wise enough in my younger years to get the lesson. Reflection is good. Think about your dad, what he represents, what he stands for, what he taught you by his actions, his words and how he showed up each day in your home.
Here are 6 things dad’s can do that will leave a lasting …

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Categories: Family Relationships

‘No’ Is a Powerful Word in A Parent’s Vocabulary – Here’s Why


Modern parents tend to be very aware of the words they use. They know their kids will learn from them, and they do not want the little ones learning bad words. Some parents go so far as to avoid all negative words – even those society does not necessarily consider bad. That may be a mistake. Take the word ‘no’, for example. It is one of the most powerful words in a parent’s vocabulary.


The word itself …

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Categories: Family Happiness

Take the Family on an African Safari – Tips Inside

Taking the family on an African Safari can be a once in a lifetime experience, and should be planned out carefully. First there are several different travel services offering these safaris, and you will want to check with each one to make sure you are getting the most for your money. There are some things that you need to consider. One of them is that they should be taking you to see the big five in African wildlife, Lions, elephants, rhinoceros, water buffalo, and even leopards.
A full package deal is not just about the animals, but also about the …

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Categories: Family and Children

Happiness – Is That Want You Really Want?

It seems we human beings are more motivated to move away from pain than we are motivated to move towards pleasure. How often do you experience the kind of happiness that you seek. What level of happiness is it? What does that feel like? Can you describe this type of happiness in detail? When you do feel this happy, where are you, and who are you with when you feel this way?
If you can begin to answer these types of open questions that provoke your thinking, then you can begin to be able to clearly visualise what type of …

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Categories: Family Happiness

Keeping Romance Alive After Having Kids

How do you keep your marriage alive after having kids?
Don’t you miss the long talks with a glass of wine? The late night movies? Going out for drinks? Last minute getaways? Even all the production and excitement before going out for a romantic date? (makeup, shoes, nice underwear, pretty clothes). Dancing together? Having plenty of time and energy to dedicate to each other?
Well, if you do miss it, be very sure that so does he!!
As much as we love our kids, the minute they arrive our relationship is changed forever. Most of our energy and love goes …

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Categories: Family Happiness

Unhealthy Relationships Come in Many Forms

When we think unhealthy relationship what first comes to mind? Most of us would think of domestic abuse-a woman in a romantic relationship being abused by her partner. But the truth is, unhealthy relationships happen all around us, every day, and are closer to home than we might think.

An unhealthy relationship does not have to be romantic in nature. It can be between friends, siblings, workmates, neighbours, or even parents and children. But no matter where it happens, …

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Categories: Family Relationships

Parenting Awareness

There comes a time in everyone’s life where they stop and look back at past events. When doing so, they shock themselves by thinking what their past self would react seeing where they are at the moment. They might start to wonder what life would have been if they hadn’t gone to that party, or if they did volunteer at that hospital. Sadly, there are times when we wish we could’ve done something different or wished we didn’t do things that we did.

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